Freemasonry's External Relations

Introduction The following information is intended to expand a topic mentioned in the link 'What is Freemasonry'. It explains the United Grand Lodge of England's relations with other Masonic bodies.

Freemasonry is practised under many independent Grand Lodges with principles or standards similar to those set by the United Grand Lodge of England throughout its history. Standards To be recognised as regular by the United Grand Lodge of England, a Grand Lodge must meet the following standards.

Irregular and Unrecognised Grand Lodges There are some self-styled Masonic bodies that do not meet these standards, e.g. which do not require a belief in a Supreme Being, or which allow or encourage their members to participate as such in political matters. These bodies are recognised by the Grand Lodge of England as being Masonically irregular, and Masonic contact with them is forbidden.


This web-site created by W.Bro Dave Hodgson (Philanthropy 940)

Based on the template supplied by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham